Aug 13, 2008

The finest ever!

Phelps might just be the world's finest sporting star. No current team-based sportsman comes anywhere near matching his greatness - Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Tom Brady, Kobe Bryant you have truly been surpassed.

The only current sportsman that have any legitimate shot at being considered alongside Michael Phelps are Federer and Tiger Woods (Nadal hasn't dominated for a long enough period yet). But still even considering the success of Woods and Federer they come nowhere close to the dominance shown by Phelps in winning 11 Olympics Golds and 2 Bronze, making him the most successful Olympian of all time and he still has a chance at another 3 golds at this Olympics. The guy just seems to break - his own - world records constantly, he just keeps getting better. I've never seen dominance on this level before, and i don't think i ever will.

Greatness current sportsman. Period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuts, daw palagpat imo blog.