Mar 18, 2008

Preview: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Another round of terrorist swatting action is coming our way, on Thursday 20th March Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 will be shipping out across the EU. The game has looked fantastic since the early screenshots and on the eve of it's release, it's looking even more promising.

Something that has been getting alot of attention in the build up to the game's release is the A.C.E.S. experience point system. Essentially this breaks down the levelling up system into three sections; marksman points gained through getting headshots, CQB points gained through taking out enemies up close, and assault points gained through blasting enemies through cover. As you gain XP in these different categories you achieve ranks in each of the three A.C.E.S. areas, these ranks in turn unlock new items specific to that category. So, for example, you could achieve rank three and marksman and be rewarded with a new sniper rifle, perfect for headshots.

This is intended to reward players in a meaningful way, as it will fill up each players armoury differently depending on their playing style. So if you like to keep your distance with a sniper rifle your weapons list may be full of sniper and assault rifles, whereas if your a run 'n' gun kind of player you may have a whole host of shotguns and grenades at your disposal. The A.C.E.S. points are achieved in both single and multiplayer as one complete XP system.

In comparison to the original, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is looking to be a bigger, longer and deeper game in both single and multiplayer modes. There will be 13 new multiplayer maps (including a couple of classic mas from R6: Raven Shield), 11 new weapons, a tweaked co-operative play mode, the in depth experience system and a longer singleplayer mode. Added to this there are apparently 36 different ways to take out your enemies (Major Nelson Podcast 3/14), and there should be enough to keep even the demanding gamer busy.

This time round, the co-operative mode will now be playable through the entire single player campaign, unlike the original Rainbow Six Vegas. So now, 2 players can play through the entire story mode. The main character in the game, Bishop, will be played by the host, who will also command the friendly AI allowing the second player to act pretty much like a hired gun.

Two new multiplayer game modes have also been added; Team Leader and Demolition. Team Leader sounds particularly interesting. In Team Leader one player per team is designated the "leader", with the objective being to either get your leader to an extraction point, or to eliminate the other team. The twist is that while the your leader is alive, you have respawns available; kill the leader and respawns are taken away. Each of the two leaders can also see each other on the radar, making team tactics and communication vital to success.

Add to this the in-depth character customisation and, of course, achievement points (for 360 owners) and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 looks to be one of the games of the year.

Review up in the next few days.


Anonymous said...

That Team Leader Part of multiplayer sounds pretty awesome.. but do you think itll just be one of those communicating games where no one communicates unless you know everyone you are playing with?! - most games at the moment (like cod4) CAN be tactical but at the same time you can just blaze out if thats what your into...

Eight Way Movement said...

totally agree with you. your probably only going to get the most out of it when playing with people that you know. on cod4 i generally play the "hardcore" match modes which forces you play a little more tatically but doesn't really make you play as part of a team. i'd be happy to play if you have it/getting it on the 360.

Anonymous said...

i just tried to buy this game at WHSmiths Basingstoke and the dumb general manager told me that no games ever come out on a Thursday, ever. What a load of balls.