Feb 29, 2008

Sonic Riders: Zero Tolerance

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity - what a crap looking game! I didn't have any idea the original Sonic Riders was popular enough to warrant a sequel. Sega need to get there act together and release a Sonic game worth playing. Since the Dreamcast versions back in the day, there has been fairly little to get people excited about Sonic (and even then, the Dreamcast games were hardly classics).

An appearance with Mario in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games and an outing in one of the worst Xbox 360 games i've played is not enough to keep the hedgehog running. It looks like he may be dying, ending his life as a cheap novelty character trying to sell a few more units for the company that was once his mortal enemy - you know Nintendo aren't gonna let Sonic get on the same level as Mario, they'll be interested in using him, but not on the same level as there own mascots. Novelty value only i'm afraid Sonic, and boy do Nintendo know how to do novelty.

Sonic Riders is only out on Wii & PS2 - cheap development costs. Sega obviously knew the cost to develop for 360 and PS3 would be too high to have any chance of making their money back. This game deserves nobodies money. Avoid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!