Apr 3, 2008

COD4 Maps, N+, Bryon

New review for N+ up, over at Ripten. Check it out here.

Call of Duty 4 map pack should be available tomorrow morning. I haven't played any COD4 properly for quite a long while now, still gonna get the maps though. Hopefully it'll reinvigorate my interest in the game, at least for a while.

Been playing a HUGE amount of N+ recently, partly for review purposes but also just cause it's so damn addictive! Some of the levels are extremely frustrating and often down right sadistic but in a way that's what keeps you coming back.

The whole Bryon review on videogames has been the hot topic recently and i've found it somewhat interesting. It seems like she's just setting out a model that builds on the system currently in place, only that she recommends the BBFC take a bigger role in the classification process. This makes a great deal of sense as games such as Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 has no BBFC rating despite having been awarded a 16+ rating from PEGI. In reality, that means a 6 year old could legally go and purchase a copy of the game. Kinda ridiculous really.

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